Saturday, November 14, 2009

How Marguerit (Paris Daisy) flowering time affects by daylenght inside greenhouse?

Marguerite daisy flowering time is important inside greenhouse to adjust flowering time for profitable marketing. Light level and daylenght can stimulate flowering time. To do this, shading or artificial light regims is applied in greenhouse, to postpone or advance flowering. Which daylenght/lightlevel is necessary to manipulate flowering time for Marguerite?

How Marguerit (Paris Daisy) flowering time affects by daylenght inside greenhouse?
its kinda heavy reading
Reply:to save yourself the heavy reading about plant photobiology, you can always go to a local store that sells fluorescent bulbs for this purpose (those that are labelled as recommended for plant growth and flowering - "long day") and read what the label says about their spectra, the specific spectra that makes the plants think it is daytime. sorry i dont remember.

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